High Seize - N-gage game's

Bagi temen-temen yang pernah bermain game strategy perang di komputer seperti Age of Empire, kali ini saya akan mereview game khusus untuk n-gage yang mempunyai konsep sama seperti Age of Empire.
Sesuai dengan namanya "High Seize" , game ini mempunyai misi merampas daerah-daerah kekuasaan. macam membuat imperial gitulah. game ini mengambil latar laut jadi macam bajak laut yang singgah ke satu pulau ke pulau lain untuk menguasai daerah itu.
Kita dituntut mempunyai startegy yang jitu untuk menguasai daerah kekuasaan pokoknya seru deh :D.

High Seize Description

Set sail across seas of adventure as Nokia and Red Lynx bring you another turn based strategy game, bound to become a future classic. High Seize takes you to the 17th century Caribbean – a world of fearless sailors, wandering explorers, ruthless pirates, and nations that fight for the riches of the New World.

You must embark on a mission to save your father from the hands of a vicious pirate captain. Your voyage will lead you to huge treasure, fierce battles, conflicts between nations, fantastic characters, and perhaps even a bit of romance… You will command units that vary from foot soldiers and cannon towers to rowing vessels and huge Man-O-Wars with multiple gun decks. The simple and intuitive interface allows you to concentrate on building your strategy, creating your own style of fighting, and sinking your enemies!

The epic storyline combined with the fast pace strategy gameplay and advanced multiplayer options make High Seize one of the most entertaining and versatile games in its genre. It’s suitable for a quick game at the bus stop as well as lenghty campaigns. Multiplayer gaming can be enjoyed by up to six players as a hot seat game, with Bluetooth, or online in the N-Gage Arena.

  • Turn based strategy combined with an immersive story and adventure game elements
  • Game modes for all kinds of gameplay, from quick sessions and tutorials to immersive campaigns
  • The wide variety of different units, resources and terrains provide endless combinations of offensive and defensive strategies
  • Vivid in-game graphics, animations, voice-acted dialogue, and high quality sound
  • Created by Red Lynx, the highly acclaimed developer behind Pathway to Glory
N-Gage Exclusive Features

  • High Seize is exclusively developed for the N-Gage
  • Multiplayer gamingfor up to 4 players locally as a hot seat game, with Bluetooth, or online in the N-Gage Arena
  • Worldwide ranking and multiplayer matchmaking in the N-Gage Arena
  • Advanced communication features and chat in multiplayer mode
Download  : high seize (25 MB)


Posted by owner, Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:20 PM | 0 comments |

Nokia Care - Really Care?

Akhirnya hidup lagi Nokia 3660 punya adikku setelah di operasi 1 jam lamanya di UGD Nokia care. pengalaman pertama waktu flashing N-gage ku ( sekitar awal february) saya mendapat pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan dari pihak Nokia Care. waktu itu saya mendapatkan costumer service yang nyebelin. waktu saya menanyakan mengenai keadaan HP saya (pura-pura g tau penyakitnya) saya mala dicuekkin, si mbak-mbaknya nanya sambil main-mainin MP3 Player di HPnya (N-gage QD) gak serius gituh, padahal saya tau N-gage saya lebih bagus darinya hi hi :D.

Nah waktu tadi siang saya datang ke tempat yang sama dan saya sebelumnya sudah memperhatikan ada gak mbak2 yang dulu melayani saya. taunya ada! saya berusaha menghindar dari dia dan beruntung sekali kebetulan saya mendapat costumer service yang lain. tapi jangan seneng dulu ternyata si mbak yang satu ini sama juteknya gubrag deh.

Sebagai informasi kalau temen-temen punya masalah dengan HP Nokia dan mau service di Nokia care ini langkah-langkahnya:

  • pertama akan ditanya dulu apa masalah dengan hp anda
  • kalau masalahnya adalah WSOD (white screen of death) maka si Nokia akan menyarankan  untuk reflash ulang  (flashing).
  • Untuk Biaya flashing katanya berbeda-beda tergantung harga HP dan type (aneh deh). kemarin waktu N-gage ku di flashing 75 rebu tapi tadi yang 3660 100 rebu padahal saya fikir sama aja karena HP ini punya versi symbian yang sama.
  • kalau setelah di flashing matot (mati total) Pihak Nokia menyarankan untuk service hardware dan biaya servicenya sekitar 300 ribu  lebih.  alamakkkk mending beli hp baru :D
  • Untuk Hp yang non garansi anda akan disodorkan surat perjanjian yang isinya kurang lebih :" Pihak Nokia tidak akan bertanggung jawab apabila setelah di service HP mati total dan pihak nokia tidak akan mengembalikan biaya service" heleh..., aneh bener kan.
  • lama Service untuk flashing (1 jam) kalo ngga sibuk (banyak order)
  • jangan kaget kalau anda setuju dengan perjanjian itu, maka pihak Nokia akan membongkar HP anda dengan alesan "Cek Kondisi HP". Hp akan dibuka casing luar ama dalemnya diliat2 setelah itu ditutup lagi. idih.....
  • Tidak ada jaminan sedikitpun dari mereka tentang kesembuhan Hp anda, mereka hanya berkata cansnya 50-50. gambling amat....
  • Untuk garansi service software (flasing) tidak ada!!!, biaya service hardware 2 Minggu
Setelah cukup lama mempertimbangkan akhirnya dengan berat hati 3660 adikku di operasi di Nokia care center, biarpun hidup BT juga service di Nokia care.  Nokia care-really care??


Posted by owner, Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:53 AM | 6 comments |

Pocket PC - Thera Audiovox (OOT)

Rencananya hari ini aku  mau bawa 3660 adikku ke UGD Nokia care center (halah UGD :D) ,  sebelumnya saya coba buka-buka internet lagi untuk mastiin  apakah sudah tidak bisa ditolong lagi atau masih ada harapan hi hi hi.  saat enak-enaknya browsing ada temenku bawa Pocket PC thera audiovox. terus keingitan deh  kalo di kantorku ada tiga orang yang pake PDA ( dua orang pake thera dan 1 orang pake IPAQ dari HP) mereka ini bukan orang-orang yang penting loh dan juga bukan boss :D, tapi mereka temen-temenku yang suka ngoprak-ngoprek barang terutama HP dan PDA.
Akhiranya saya coba cari-cari review untuk thera audiovox di internet. 

The Audiovox Thera Pocket PC Phone

As the first Pocket PC to have integrated wireless communication capabilities, the Audiovox Thera 2032 (Toshiba 2032) opens the door to the next generation of feature-rich Pocket PCs. Manufactured by Toshiba and marketed by Audiovox, the compact and user-friendly Thera 2032, delivers the comprehensive functionality of Microsoft Windows Powered Pocket PC 2002 software. In addition, the Thera 2032 boasts a TFT screen with a touch-screen interface, as well as an on-screen keyboard and handwriting recognition.

The Audiovox Thera was the first Pocket PC to have integrated cellular wireless communication capabilities. Using a Qualcomm chipset, the Thera is Dual-band Pocket PC Phone with PCS and CDMA capabilities.

Audiovox Thera combines a Pocket PC, email and phone into a device about the size of a 3" X 5" file card. When used on Verizon Wireless' new Express Network, Thera will provide mobile data transmission speeds of 40 to 60 kilobits per second, supporting high-speed wireless connectivity for Web browsing, E-mail and mobile E-commerce functions with simultaneous audio, video and text data services. ACC's Thera Pocket PC can also be used as a dual-band (CDMA 800MHz and 1900MHz) wireless phone.

        Specification :
  • 16-bit Reflective Display (65000 colors (TFT))
  • Navigation: Touch Screen / 4-Way Keypad
  • Pocket PC 2002 OS
  • 32MB RAM/32MB ROM
  • Secure Digital Slot (Not SDIO)
  • Weight: 7oz
  • Dual Band 800 MHz CDMA/1900MHz
  • 1480mAh Li-Ion Battery
  • 90 Minutes Talk Time, 8 Hour Stand By
  • Wallpapers: 240 x 320 px
  • Screen Savers: 240 x 320 px
  • Ring Tones: WAV
  • Games: Pocket PC
  • Streaming Multimedia: Windows Media Player
  • Expandable Memory: SD / MMC
  • 206MHz StrongArm Processor
Dari beberapa pengalaman yang menggunakan Thera Audivox hampir semua puas menggunakan PDA ini begitu juga saya yang ikut-ikutan ngoprek biarpun g punya :D, tapi  ada beberapa kekurangan pada PDA ini diantaranya :  
  • Boros batrei ini disebabkan karena LCD dan warna display dari thera yang mengkonsumsi banyak resource.
  • Talking / pembicaraan telepon hanya bisa speaker phone (loud speaker).
  • Jumlah sms standard hanya 163 karakter!, kalau mau lebih dari itu harus create new sms lagi hi hi hi. g praktis kan?


Posted by owner, Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:03 PM | 1 comments |

WSOD (white Screen of Death) lagi.....

Setelah beberapa lalu N-gage ku kena WSOD (White Screen Of Death) dan harus di larikan ke Nokia care, sekarang gentian handphone adikku 3660 kena WSOD.

wih....., penyakit WSOD ini bukan penyakit baru bagi pengguna Handphone yang menggunakan Operating System Symbian. hampir semua orang yang menggunakan Handphone berbasis Symbian kena ini penyakit baik sadar atau tidak sadar. maksudnya sadar orang yang suka ngoprak-ngoprek, install sana-sini game dan aplikasi atau yang tidak sadar yang secara tidak sadar memperhatikan memory HPnya kepenuhan gara-gara lupa ngehapusin sms yang sudah banyak dan berjibul.

weh-weh, kata adikku HP nya tewas pada saat dia mau ngirim SMS, saat itu keluar alert " message sending error" dan tiba-tiba hpnya restart dan tidak mau up lagi, hanya keluar Nokia scren LOGO dan setting jam kemudian restart lagi sampe 3 kali dan akhirnya off.

Dia tanya sama saya apakah bisa dioprek?
saya cuman ketawa-ketawi karena saya tahu HPnya kena WSOD. dia pikir batrenya drop dia coba untuk charge batrenya tapi tetep saat dinyalain cuman keliatan Nokia Logonya aja trus restart terus2an ampe off.

Akhirnya saya coba cari beberapa artikel di internet tentang problem solving wsod
dan saya dapatkan beberapa tip untuk mereset (Hard Reset)  ulang softwarenya.
Hard reset ( informasi phone book,  sms, settingan semua akan hilang)

1. dalam keadaan mati tekan * + 3 + green button kemudian nyalakan HP
2. tekan pencil dalam keadaan mati terus HP dinyalakan
3. tekan *#7370# kalo hp dalam keadaan hidup

katanya itu bisa hardreset untuk jenis Nokia 3650, 3660, 6600
saya coba satu persatu tapi hasilnya nihil, HP adikku tetep membisu. akhirnya saya punya kesimpulan HP ini harus dilarikan juga ke Nokia care sama dengan N-gage ku :( hiks. dan biaya operasinya (flashing) sekitar 50-100 ribu. andai aku punya alatnya saya mending flashing sendiri deh soalnya cuman format drive "C" doang hi hi.


Posted by owner, Monday, March 26, 2007 7:01 PM | 0 comments |

Divx Player In ur mobile Now

Setelah sekian lama beribet dengan bahasa inggris, saya mau coba mendiskripsikan aplikasi-aplikasi ini dengan bahasa Indonesia hi hi hi.
Bagi sahabat-sahabat yang pernah memutar Video di Komputer dengan Div-X player sekarang sahabat bisa memutarnya dengan divx player di handphone.  format file video yang diputar adalah format *.avi.
Menurut perusahaan divx sendiri, aplikasi ini disertakan codec untuk memutar format video lainnya (mpeg, mp4) tapi sampe sekarang saya belum menemukannya :D. saya coba playing traillernya "Ghost Rider" loh pake divx ini

Oke ini spesifikasi dan review softwarenya.

DivX is a video codec created by DivX, Inc. (formerly DivXNetworks, Inc.), which has become popular due to its ability to compress lengthy video segments into small sizes while maintaining relatively high visual quality. DivX uses lossy MPEG-4 Part 2 compression, where quality is balanced against file size for utility.

Feature's :
  • Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC.
  • Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing full screen size of the device.
  • Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area.
  • PC converter allows you to split video file into multiple segments, so that it fits onto your memory card, if not entire, then cut to more parts - you may watch your favorite video in parts, e.g. while traveling to work/school.
  • Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages.
  • Friendly PC converter - preview videos on PC, select parts you want to convert, alter quality.
  • Adjustable quality parameters for video and audio streams, allowing tuning target video to your needs.
  • Customizable video Player (brightness, language, volume, and more).
Download : 1  | 2 | 3


Posted by owner, Monday, March 19, 2007 6:57 PM | 0 comments |

Sudoku Game's

Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic skills. It is essentially a game of placing numbers in squares, using very simple rules of logic and deduction. It can be played by children and adults and the rules are simple to learn.

The objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game with the correct numbers. There are three very simple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 square Sudoku game:
-Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order
-Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order
-Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9

Similarly, smaller Sudoku puzzles, such as the 4x4 puzzle, must have the numerals 1 through 4 in each row, column and subsection. Larger Sudoku games (16 by 16) must have numerals 1 through 16 in each row, column and region. The principles are the same whatever the size of the game.

Every Sudoku games begins with a number of squares already filled in, and the difficulty of each game is largely a function of how many squares are filled in. The more squares that are known, the easier it is to figure out which numbers go in the open squares. As you fill in squares correctly, options for the remaining squares are narrowed and it becomes easier to fill them in. The Sudoku games on SudokuDaily.net let you check your progress as you go, to help prevent going down a wrong path.
Download : 1 | 2 | 3


Posted by owner, Friday, March 16, 2007 3:20 AM | 1 comments |

Indonesia Song Midi Ringtones

Here you can listen to my favorite Midi :D
Download ? Right click mouse over "listen/download" , then Save Target As
Top Ten indonesia Midi Ringtones

Taken from harodillia midi collection


Posted by owner, Sunday, March 11, 2007 8:13 PM | 2 comments |

N-gage packet usefull tools

Here's i give packet for n-gage tool's (4 file including), Quality passed by N-gage Classic, mines n-gage :D
  • fixss for N-gage Classic
  • Speedup
  • Pallete Extender
  • NgageDriveE
Fixsis N-gage classic
Description: This workaround resolves the original n-gage problem when showing a message at startup:"App. closed Main" and on 4.03 firmware following message:"Device start-up failed Contactthe retailer". this error caused by audioserver which tries to get exclusive access to the memory card and fails. This workaround dismounts memory card at startup, and audioserver can get exclusive access without any problem.
Version: 1.05 Filesize: 1.62 Kb

make increase ur n-gage speed form 104 Mhz to 143 Mhz

Pallet Extender
Add more pallet on ur n-gage (Blue, green, purple, red, pink, orange)

Save ur N-gage Sms to MMC for saving free memory in Drive C

Download packet  1  |  2 |  3


Posted by owner, 6:57 PM | 0 comments |

Sky Force Reloaded

The best shooter is back again with more levels, more graphics, more music and more ACTION
Have you played original Sky Force? Loved it? This one will bring even more enjoyment!
Incredible graphics, sound quality and pure fun!

  • 8 totally new levels with completely new graphics!
  • new enemies,
  • additional weapon
  • new music and sound effects.


Amazing graphics and visual effects including:
- textured 3d elements,
- plenty of blended sprites,
- destructable 3d objects,
- huge transparent explosions,
- shadows,
- advanced particle system (fire, water, smoke, sparks).

Multichannel audio system with high quality original soundtrack and plenty of ingame sound effects.

Three levels of difficulty for hardcore-gamers and rookies!

Possibility of entering and saving highscores
(separate for each difficulty level).

Company   : infinite dreams
Download  : 1  |  2  | 3


Posted by owner, Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:05 PM | 0 comments |

Helix Player - Best S60 Media Player

This is the first project in Helix Community that created the S60 Player GUI and ported Helix DNA Client to Symbian OS to produce a fully featured player on a Symbian device. This project is now closed for new development and while open to maintenace patches, it is mostly inactive. It servers as a foundation for subsequent versions of HelixPlayer for Symbian.

Feature Configurations
(1) Standard Profile, which provides the following streaming media capabilities:
  • RealAudio G2
  • RealAudio Voice
  • RealAudio 8 (LBR)
  • RealVideo 7
  • RealVideo 8
  • RealVideo 9,
  • RealVideo 10,
  • H.263
  • MPEG-1 Audio, including MP3
  • AMR-NB
  • AMR-WB
  • 3GPP (Rel-5)

(2) Rich Media Profile, which includes all of the above, as well as:
  • 3GPP SMIL Language Profile
  • 3GPP Timed Text
  • JPEG
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • WBMP
  • HTTP (streaming and progressive download)
CompanyHelix Player
Download and review : 1  |  2 |  3


Posted by owner, Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:43 PM | 5 comments |

Blaze Lock N Load 2 v1.20 - Cool game's

Survive through over 10 thrilling levels with multiple floors in single player mode or invite your friends to intense multiplayer sessions, either online or via Bluetooth with the ability to taunt your opponents.

Lock 'n Load 2 is the latest game in the highly acclaimed Lock 'n Load series from Blaze taking 3D mobile gaming to the next level.

  • Massive and highly detailed levels with multiple floors
  • Loads of weapons and power-ups
  • Cool 3D enemies and bosses
  • Fast and detailed 3D graphics and great sound effects
  • Single player campaign and multiplayer deathmatches on multiple maps
  • Online and Bluetooth enabled
  • Chat and taunts
Download : 1  |   2   |   3


Posted by owner, 5:21 PM | 0 comments |

Tennis Addict 1.0.0 - Tennis in ur phone's

Tennis Addict is sure to please even the most demanding sports fan. The intuitive interface and realistic ball physics make it easy to play, even for beginners.

Choose from 16 different opponents and four court types, each with their own unique characteristics and challenges. Play a quick game using the "Quick Match" option, or play an entire tournament where you have to climb your way to the top, match by match. The game keeps track of your progress, even when you stop for a break.


  • Select from four different court types: indoor carpet, outdoor clay, and real or synthetic grass.
  • Get rewarded for high scores with better performing racquets and tougher players to beat.
  • Win experience points that increase your strength, stamina, and speed in order to compete at a higher level.
  • Play a quick game using the "Quick Match" option, practice in the training mode, or play an entire tournament where you have to climb your way to the top, match by match.
  • Choose from 16 different 3D-rendered opponents with fully animated and realistic strokes, serves, volleys, smashes, and dives. Each opponent has their own unique characteristics and challenges.
  • Hear the crowd cheer and the referee call the play.
Tennis Addict brings a whole new level of control to mobile gaming, ensuring Tennis Addict will become an instant classic among sports games for Symbian phones.

Download : 1  |  2  |  3   


Posted by owner, Thursday, March 1, 2007 11:29 PM | 0 comments |

Ca-60 Calcium (Fast, easy to use calculator)

Getting tired of the S60 calculator? We were, so we made our own. Using some of the concepts that make ControlFreak so easy to use, we removed the need to select on-screen buttons and moved all the operations to the joystick. Doing basic calculations on your phone is now only a couple of clicks away.

So how fast is it?
Try this simple example: start the standard calculator and do 2/3 x 7. It takes 13 clicks. Using Calcium it only takes 6!

Best of all, it's free
Calcium is completely free and works with all 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition S60 phones (refer to the official list of S60 phones).

S60 1 and 2 edition
S60 3 Edition



Posted by owner, 5:11 PM | 0 comments |